Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sharp Family Christmas

Brendan's wishes for Santa this year are mainly focused on the Nintendo Wii. He has become pretty wicked on "Smash brothers ball". He still can't beat his dad at "Guitar Hero", but enjoys the competition. He has become very proficient with his Spanish, but is still rather shy about speaking it out loud. He is testing very well in every category with the exception of reading comprehension. Mom and Dad are reading with him more to get him where he needs to be. He did not play soccer or baseball this year, but has intentions of playing next year under his father's tutelage. We might have the makings of the next Manny Ramirez with a baseball bat, but is working hard on catching and throwing.

Jackson is 3 going on 10. He seems to believe that he is just as capable or more than his older brother, and tests that every waking minute of the day. He is an adorable child that is quickly turning his parents gray. He has become very interested in outdoor activities, and would spend the entire day both out of the house, and out of his clothes (he comes by that honestly) if allowed. Jackson does not speak Spanish, but has on occasion spoken in a language that only God and himself understand. His primary interest this year has been insects, all shapes and sizes. His favorites are potato bugs, (also hereditary) and box elder bugs. He doesn't seem to like spiders or stinging insects thankfully, but also has no fear of them. His wish from Santa is action figures and a bathroom.

Jenni is still working at the Mandarin Restaraunt 2-3 nights a week and enjoying it. She volunteers every Monday at Brendans school, and is still selling Salt City Candles. She is very busy being a full time mom/wife, and is the only reason the Sharps ever go on vacation. She is the glue that holds us together and the iron that works out the kinks (mostly dad).

I am still with Best Buy, going on 7 years. I have taken on a new role as the ESS (Elite Service Specialist). It sounds more impressive than it is. I calibrate TV's and Home Theater systems to optimize the overall experience for our customers. I still do some of the install work, but mainly on a tech support basis, and on some of the more complex installs. I'm now one of the people you see driving around in the Geek Squad bugs.
I'm almost done with the dreaded castle play room in the basement, and will post pictures when done.

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